
FLEA CONTROL 12 ml & 25 ml- Topical Suspension For dogs and cats 15 to 25 doses

From: $31.99

Complete treatment : Kills adult fleas, eggs, larvae & breaks full the life-cycle.

Available in bottles 12 ml and 25 ml
12 ml =  For dogs and cats less than 20 lb 15 doses
25 ml = For dogs over 11 lbs 10 to 25 doses

  • Once monthly topical (SPOT-ON) application protects for 30 days.
  • Kills adult fleas, eggs, larvae & breaks the life-cycle.
  • Topical (Spot-ON) for dogs and cats, complete  flea control. Kills fleas within 12 hours.

Active Ingredient:

  1. Imidacloprid 9.1%
  2. Pyripoxyfen 0.46%

This Topical Suspension is for use on skin of your pet only (topical). … PRO-LINE Topical Suspension is a preparation used on the skin only (topical use) for pets to Flea Control.

PRO-LINE (DL) still contains the proven active ingredient, imidacloprid, found in Advantage, which kills 98-100% of adult fleas within 12 hours, stops fleas from biting in 3-5 minutes, and kills re-infesting fleas within 2 hours. The result is fast-acting relief from biting adults whether your dog has fleas or picks up fleas from another animal.

This product takes superior flea control to the next level with the addition of the insect growth regulator (IGR) pyriproxyfen. PRO-LINE DL actively targets the ENTIRE flea life cycle for effective treatment of existing fleas and prevention of flea infestation.

  • Use the syringe to measure the correct amount according to the weight of your pet, as indicated in the following dosage:
    Under 10 lb = 0.4 ml (small dogs and cats)
    Over 10 lbs  = 0.8 ml (large cats)
    11 to 20 lb = 1 ml (medium dog)
    21 to 55 lb = 2.5 ml (large dog)
    Over 55 lb = 4 ml (extra large dog)


Complete treatment : Kills adult fleas, eggs, larvae & breaks full the life-cycle.

Available in bottles 12 ml and 25 ml
12 ml =  For dogs and cats less than 20 lb 15 doses
25 ml = For dogs over 11 lbs 10 to 25 doses

(Generic Equivalent to BAYER ADVANTAGE II –  same active ingredients)
(Topical Suspension) External use only
Kill: Fleas, Eggs, Larvae & Lice.

  • Once monthly topical (SPOT-ON) application protects for 30 days.
  • Kills adult fleas, eggs, larvae & breaks the life-cycle.
  • Topical (Spot-ON) dog flea control. Kills fleas within 12 hours.
  • One treatment prevents further flea infestation for a month
  • Treats, prevents and controls lice infestations

Active Ingredient:

  1. Imidacloprid 9.1%
  2. Pyripoxyfen 0.46%
  • Use the syringe to measure the correct amount according to the weight of your pet, as indicated in the following dosage:
    Under 10 lb = 0.4 ml (small dogs and cats)
    Over 10 lbs  = 0.8 ml (large cats)
    11 to 20 lb = 1 ml (medium dog)
    21 to 55 lb = 2.5 ml (large dog)
    Over 55 lb = 4 ml (extra large dog)

This Topical Suspension is for use on skin of your pet only (topical). … PRO-LINE Topical Suspension is a preparation used on the skin only (topical use) for pets to Flea Control.

PRO-LINE (DL) still contains the proven active ingredient, imidacloprid, found in Advantage, which kills 98-100% of adult fleas within 12 hours, stops fleas from biting in 3-5 minutes, and kills re-infesting fleas within 2 hours. The result is fast-acting relief from biting adults whether your dog has fleas or picks up fleas from another animal.

This product takes superior flea control to the next level with the addition of the insect growth regulator (IGR) pyriproxyfen. PRO-LINE DL actively targets the ENTIRE flea life cycle for effective treatment of existing fleas and prevention of flea infestation.

Side Effects:
Individual sensitivities, while rare, may occur after using any pesticide product for pets. If signs persist, or become more severe, consult a veterinarian immediately.

Important Precautions
Hazards to humans: Advantage causes eye irritation. Harmful if swallowed. Do not get in eyes or on clothing. Avoid contact with skin. Wash hands thoroughly with soap and warm water after handling. Keep out of reach of children.


There are four stages in the development of fleas: eggs and adults. Male and female fleas mate and two days later the female flea starts laying eggs. The eggs are often laid on the animal, but because they are not sticky, fall off into the environment. Along with the eggs, the female flea deposits a large amount of feces (often called “flea dirt”). The flea dirt will dissolve into a red color when moistened; this is because it is primarily digested blood. The flea lays 30-50 eggs per day, generally in batches of 3 to 15. A flea can produce 400-1,000 eggs in her lifetime (several months to two years, depending on the species). Two days (or more depending on temperature) after the egg is laid it hatches and the larva, which looks like a tiny maggot, starts to feed on the feces left by its mother. The larva passes through several phases of development taking a total of about a week. At that time the larvae starts spinning a cocoon and is called a pupa. The cocoon is sticky and will often become covered with fine dirt or sand, and can be found deep in carpet or crevices. In a week, the pupa develops into an adult and emerges from the cocoon when it senses vibrations, carbon dioxide, or warmth, which tells it an animal host is near. The entire life cycle takes about 15 days, but the pupa can remain dormant under inhospitable conditions (e.g., cold) and extend the cycle to over a year. This is important to remember when planning flea control.

There are four stages in the development of fleas: eggs and adults. Male and female fleas mate and two days later the female flea starts laying eggs. The eggs are often laid on the animal, but because they are not sticky, fall off into the environment. Along with the eggs, the female flea deposits a large amount of feces (often called “flea dirt”). The flea dirt will dissolve into a red color when moistened; this is because it is primarily digested blood. The flea lays 30-50 eggs per day, generally in batches of 3 to 15. A flea can produce 400-1,000 eggs in her lifetime (several months to two years, depending on the species). Two days (or more depending on temperature) after the egg is laid it hatches and the larva, which looks like a tiny maggot, starts to feed on the feces left by its mother. The larva passes through several phases of development taking a total of about a week. At that time the larvae starts spinning a cocoon and is called a pupa. The cocoon is sticky and will often become covered with fine dirt or sand, and can be found deep in carpet or crevices. In a week, the pupa develops into an adult and emerges from the cocoon when it senses vibrations, carbon dioxide, or warmth, which tells it an animal host is near. The entire life cycle takes about 15 days, but the pupa can remain dormant under inhospitable conditions (e.g., cold) and extend the cycle to over a year. This is important to remember when planning flea control.

Storage and Disposal
Do not contaminate water, food, or feed by storage or disposal. Storage: Store in a cool, dry place. Protect from freezing. Pesticide Disposal: securely wrap original container in several layers of newspaper and discard in trash. Container disposal: Do not reuse empty container. Wrap container and put in tash.

Additional information

Number of ml (cc)

12 ml, 25 ml